Gerard McCabe
460 x 125 mm
Please Enquire
This was an Edition of 7, which has now sold out. We have a new Kereru edition coming to the gallery soon. Please enquire with the team if you are interested.
“My work is drawn from all forms found in the natural world, be they human, animal, or landscape. It may be simply a moment in time, or a reinterpretation of form.”- Gerard McCabe
Born in 1957, Gerard McCabe is a self-taught sculptor, predominantly working with bronze cast by the ‘lost wax’ (cire perdue) method. This is a multi-stage process, beginning with modelling from sketches, to moulds for casting, finishing and fettling work on the cast bronze, and culminating in ‘patination’ (colouring) of the finished piece. All stages, including the casting (foundry work), are carried out by the artist himself. The subjects include naturalistic interpretations of the human form, animal studies, and forms inspired by landscape.